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Shanice Anderson MY ANGEL April 23, 2014
If I could only say goodbye....Cat I miss you so much and I havent talkled to you in years. I invited you to my graduation but you never responded, I wanted to find you, but I gave up not knowing that giving up wouldve meant it was to late and ill never get to say goodbye to you. CAT YOUR GONE!! I never got to tell you how great of a mentor you were to me! I was the lucky one out of the group because I got the pretty young mentor with the ascent! lol I loved your acent! you would always tell me, "I dont like seattle because theres not enough black people." I never got to tell you thank you for being a great role model . A young, smart, saved, black women helping out young black girls to become better people in this world! Our weekly rides meant the most to me, in you red car, and you would show me that you car was built with a siren and other sounds in it. On the free way you would always say " I hate when people drive next to each all bunched up, ugh I wish they would move." Our resturant dates, you coming to my house meeting my family, and you always having faith in me!  I have never met someone as wonder as you, you were an angel on earth to me, and now your my angel in heaven!! Cat if only I could say goodbye is all I could say! I am just finding out 3 years later that you are gone, and it hurts me even more to know that I didnt know all these years! Over the years I was looking for you, calling your phone and emailing you to not know that you were no longer here with me.! Cat Im in pain, crying, hurting, I dont think you know how much you meant to me, and how much you really did for me. I still remeber that talk we had in your car the night I got in trouble, and it meant the world to me to know I had someone like you to talk to. Cat please bring me peace, let me know your in a better place! Cat im soo sorry for not getting in contact with you before this! Please bring me peace so im not hurting any more! I cant believe this is true, im hurting so bad!! Cat I love you, and thank you for EVERYTHING!! I cant wait until I see my anglel again!
Alexine Missing Cathelyn February 16, 2014

I am missing you more and more each passing day.  I miss us spending time together.  I miss our talks, doing so many things together, being with you. I really don't know what happen to you and why it happen.  It hurts because I can't see you or talk to you. I am really proud of you and the young lady you became to be.  Cathelyn, you were taken too soon, too soon.  I never thought you weren't coming back.  Our last conversation, you sounded very happy and we said we missed each other & I told you, I love you and I was ready for you to come home.  I miss your laughter, your smile and your love.  Love you always, Love you forever.

Angela Daniel You are always Thought Of June 21, 2012
I saw someone post something about Cathelyn yesterday, which led me to this page. To this day, I still can't belive that this beautiful spirit and person is no longer with us. When I think about Cathelyn I have 4 distinct memories about her. I knew Cathelyn from Paul D. West Middle school. Although I new of her because we were in the same grade, I really didnt start talking to her until we were trying out for the JV Cheerleading at Tri-Cities High School in 1998. We were two of only a few that tried out from Paul D. West and so I just remember us talking to each other about how well we did and whether or not we would make it. Fortunately for us both of us did and that's how we became friends. My second memory of Cathelyn was when I had a sleep over for my 15th birthday with all the cheerleaders. We had so much fun that night. I remember that her and I were afraid to watch the scary movies that my step-mother had brought unlike the other girls and I just remember both us going up stair and just talking about what typical 14 and 15 years olds talk about. My third memory of Cathelyn is our Upward Days. I  remember how Cathelyn, Toni, Twanda, Jasmine, Dana, and myself would all cram into one hotel room with only two beds when we would go on our end of summer college trip because we all wanted to be together. We would all have to take 5 min showers because it was so many of us and  I was always the last person and so everyone would try to rush me after they had a long hot shower and I would get upset and Cathelyn would get on me in her nicest way about how childish I was acting. She was the one that made me start brusing my teeth with hot water. lol.  My last memory of Cathelyn was around New Years 2007 or 2008 (cannot really remember what year). After graduating Tri-Cities, I would always ask different people if whether or not they heard from Cathelyn because she just kind of dropped off the radar, so when I saw her at World Changers that particular day I was so happy and exicited to see her. She was just the type person that you could not help but think of and wonder what she was up to because of the annointed spirit that she possessed. I didn't know that would be our last encounter and it saddens me to think that I would never get a chance to see her again, well at least in this lifetime. We've lost 2 people tragically who was in our class at Upward Bound and it just feels like we are missing 2 important pieces to our UB fam. I love you Cathelyn and you will always be thought of by me and your family will always be in my prayers.
Zakaiyah Williams RIP March 30, 2012
Wow, the last time I saw was maybe 7 years ago at Patrice's house. You were with L'oreal. She wanted you to take her somewhere but you didn't really want to but you said you would, if she bought you some apple pie and ice cream LOL. I've loved that combination ever since. Also, I remember many times being in the dressing room at Tri-Cities and you would blurt out "aye y'all, what movie this from'?! I really wish I would've gotten to know you better. Gosh I'm crying as I write this, but I know you're ok with our Father in Heaven.  Rest in perfection <3.

Latoya Tabron

I remember sitting in McNair Hall with you talking about important things in our life and especially Jesus! We walked from the library to the engineering building and talked for hours. When it got too late I walked you to your car because I told you that you were too pretty to be walking out there by yourself...you smiled with that beautiful smile of yours and went on your way..I will never forget it or you. Love you!

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